Weekend Recap: Jinxed's 7th Annual heART Show

So Valentine's Day weekend was a lot of fun. On Saturday, Tom, Ryan and I went to Fishtown for Jinxed's 7th Annual heART Show. Jinxed is an awesome vintage store with a couple different locations across Philly. Our friend Katie works at the Fishtown location where the event is held every year. The heART show is a really cool annual event where artists (or anyone for that matter) can snag a heart, decorate it and then all the hearts get lined up on the wall for people to buy and view in an art-gallery type setting.

There were some really amazing hearts this year, my favorites included a Bowie-esque tribute featuring his signature lightning bolt down the middle and another was a terrarium 3-D heart complete with a real plant and soil encased in glass.  The people who participate in the heART show are insanely talented!  For the second year in a row, my boyfriend Tom (he's got some serious artistic talent going on) neglected to get a heart in time for the show.  I kind of am at fault for that because he had asked me to pick him up one and if I did, he probably would have made one! Next year I am going to make sure he gets one and designs it - no excuses! Jinxed is also open as they would be regularly so you can buy lots of great vintage collectibles at insanely reasonable prices as well...

What event would be complete without some Photobooth shenanigans? I managed to convince Tom and his guy friends to join in for one too...

Anyway, if you have never heard of the heART show it is really cool and the event itself is always a lot of fun.  They always roast a pig at the event and give away tons of free PBR. I would have taken a picture of the pig, but Jinxed was packed to the gills and by the time we got there, there were only remnants left.  Jinxed was also dishing out some free Little Baby's ice cream. I had some for the first time, which I was pretty excited about. Definitely gotta get to the heART Show earlier next year...!

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