Birthday Recap: Karaoke and A Short Trip to NYC

When your birthday occurs on a Monday, it only makes sense to begin celebrating Friday after work is over! Last Friday I went out to Tango in Chinatown for Karaoke with some people from the Center City and Fairmount Epic Church worship teams.  We had an insane Living Social deal that was too good to pass up.  It was a lot of fun to see church people outside of Sunday services!  On Saturday, my sister, cousin and a few of their friends came down to Philly from Jersey to continue the celebrations. It was a lot of fun!  We made a stop at P'unk Burger over in Passyunk, what a good decision. I had never been there before and thought the food and vibe was really good.  On Sunday Tom took me to his dad's house in Jersey for dinner.  His dad and stepmom got me a lovely cake and gave me an Anthropologie gift card which is basically the best thing ever! I love Anthro but can never afford anything outside of their sale section.  I'm definitely looking forward to treating myself with something nice! Sunday night I started packing for our quick trip to NYC.

I didn't spend a lot of time planning our itinerary since we were only going to be there for a short amount of time.  It was really nice to get away from Philadelphia for a little bit.  We stayed at a hotel in Chelsea since our visit included a stop at the McKittrick for Sleep No More.  I have been to Sleep No More probably about four or five times now (along with seeing the original version in Boston AND getting to preview the NYC show before it was even open to the public, but that's a story I'll save for a separate blog post), but it was really exciting to get to go again with someone who had never been before.  I finally got to see some of the more recent additions over the past few years which have included an amazing rooftop bar and restaurant called The Lodge at Gallow Green.  They had some seriously awesome cocktails and really cozy places to sit and chill before the show.  We made sure to include some of the Chelsea staples, like the eternally touristy walk along the High Line and plenty of local eats at some of the areas best spots.  Here are some photos of our trip earlier this week:

The view from our hotel view included the Empire State Building.

When you live in Philadelphia, it is hard not to notice awesome street art wherever you go. This was on the wall of a Mexican restaurant.

We had brunch on Tuesday at Cookshop, I highly recommend it if you are in the area! The decor was a fun little surprise.

We stopped for coffee at Cafe Grumpy, a really cute coffee shop that was featured on HBO's Girls (I know everyone hates it, but I absolutely love anything Girls + Lena Dunham can do no wrong in my eyes!). This bright orange espresso machine was so cute! The coffee was so amazing too. DEFINITELY going to stop back the next time I am in the area.

A visit to Chelsea is incomplete without a visit to the McKittrick Hotel! I managed to snap this shot before we headed up to the Lodge for cocktails before the show.

I forced Tom to go with me to Chelsea Piers to hit some golf balls. He made fun of me for dragging my clubs along in the car with me, but I didn't care.  It was my birthday and I figured, what better way to spend an hour or two while in the city? PLUS Monday was Ladies Day which meant 20% range balls! Score.

There is really no place I'd rather be than on a golf course or hitting balls at the range. Yes, I'm a massive dork like that! :) I can just disconnect, relax and channel any stress or anxiety into hitting.  Was definitely a great way to end a really fun, short trip to New York.  Can't wait to go back!

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